Thursday, November 3, 2011


Climbing out of an airport on a clear day allows some nice shots. Too bad all I had with me was the cell phone camera.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Techno gadgets

I just think it's amazing how much can be done now with portable devices such as this iPad, or even a mobile phone. Well, ok, I'm still working on the finer points, like how to post a picture from this particular gadget. Maybe the pic will show up in the second publication of this same post. I know it'll need some editing.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Long post!

Can anyone guess what this is?
Figuring out how to take night shots without flash
 Well, I've been pretty busy with work, and pretty busy even not counting work, so I've not had much computer time. Which reminds me I need to pay some bills while I'm sitting.  I'll try to find a pic, but I'm sure the one I find won't show how busy I've actually been. I've had opportunity to actually spend a night in Somerset in one of the cabins that Bill put in up at willamypines.  (  While there, I was able to take some pictures, try to figure out some of the settings on this way too advanced camera, sit around the camp fire, and go for a quad ride, and a little bit of a walk.  Also, this past weekend in between a few work trips, I and a few other friends helped Bill roof his house in Acme.  That brought back some memories.  Roofing houses is one of the jobs that I did while going to college.  We even spent a little time on the phone with Roger while shingling.  I have some more pictures, but I'm not sure how much each post can actually hold.  Besides, It'll get too crowded, and I'll run out of pictures to make the blog actually interesting.

Until next time,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beautiful morning

While the alarm goes off super early for a morning like this, you sure can't beat the views on a nice day.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Vacation is coming

Well,  the time for out departure is drawing ever nearer.  In less than thirty-six hours, Jamie and I will be on our way south.  We'll visit with family, see church friends and college friends (for Jamie), attend/participate in a wedding...I attend/ Jamie participates...and hopefully, in all that, find time to relax.

 AAAHHHH yes, the famed August wedding.  Sweltering heat.  Dressing up in a suit and tie.  I really do wish the bride and groom a perfect day, but I guess I'm a little skeptical of August days in Raleigh.  Too many of them are TOO HOT!  I guess all of every vacation can't be everything we enjoy, right.  I do plan to enjoy the car ride with Jamie, renewing acquaintances, SWEET TEA (yeah, Southern Style), air conditioning (more than I enjoy it now), visiting my brother and sis-in-law, and playing with nephews and niece.

Well, i guess that's enough of me blathering on, I need to get up and keep getting stuff organized for easy packing of the car tomorrow night after work.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


 July 4, 2011... A vanload of family members (me included) had the opportunity to go see the Mill Run fireworks show.  Sometimes, I think about what Francis Scott Key had to watch as

Fort McHenry was being bombarded by the British.  Also, knowing that fireworks are designed to be somewhat similar to exploding bombs and charges (minus the casualties) can add new light to watching a fireworks show.  Praise the Lord for all the brave men and women who risked their lives, and spent their fortunes so that their descendants could live in comfort for years to come.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Birthday

 America!  What a country we have been blessed to be born in.  Praise the Lord for the freedoms we still have.  One of which is to celebrate our country's birthday.
Tonight, J and I had the opportunity to take two of our nephews
to watch a fireworks show in Connellsville, PA

Saturday, July 2, 2011


This is a test to see if the whole mobile post thing will work, pictures and all. God's creation is beautiful. (taken somewhere over WV)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Heinz field (offseason)

A picture of Heinz field in the off season, taken from the top of Mt. Washington.


In this picture, J and I are playing Wii while she is in rehab at Mercy.  Also seen are Charlie and John Prinkey to the left.  This summer is already filling up.  J and I have already had opportunity to host J's parents as guests.  Looking forward to E & M's visit starting the end of this week.  We are so thankful for so many friends. Thanks to all who are bringing meals this week.

We are excited to see how the Lord is working in our lives.  It's not all easy, but His grace is sufficient.  God isn't surprised or caught off guard by anything that happens to us.  As seen in this photo, we are still having fun!